ADHD diagnosis, what now

A Psychiatrist Diagnosed Me with ADHD as an Adult, Now What?

A diagnosis of ADHD as an adult can elicit a mix of emotions, ranging from relief to grief, doubt, and even impostor syndrome. It can be overwhelming, and this is entirely normal. In this blog, I’ll describe various ways to proceed following a diagnosis, having supported many of my clients as they learned about themselves through an ADHD lens.

Whatever You’re Feeling, You’re Not Alone

Following an ADHD diagnosis, perhaps you’ve noticed yourself feeling the following:

  • Grief can stem from the realisation that you’ve spent years struggling without understanding why, until now. All of your symptoms of ADHD growing up were likely explained by an internal flaw, for instance, you were told you were not good enough, not caring enough, not trying hard enough, or you were “too much” but “not enough” at the same time. You have just learned that all of this wasn’t a true explanation, and you had ADHD all along. You actually needed support, not punishment and criticism. Allow yourself to feel this grief. Grief is an important step towards offering yourself compassion for your ADHD experiences. 
  • Relief often comes from the knowledge that your difficulties were not due to personal shortcomings, but rather to a neurodevelopmental condition. It can be comforting to finally have a name for what you’ve been experiencing. You may also feel hopeful about accessing strategies that can help you manage your symptoms moving forward.
  • Doubt can emerge as you wonder whether the diagnosis is correct, or if you are just misinterpreting your experiences. Self-doubt can be compounded by societal misconceptions about ADHD, especially in adults. It is important to know that ADHD presents very differently for each individual, and just because you might not present with “stereotypical” ADHD, this doesn’t mean you don’t have it. Trust your psychiatrist’s expertise, trust yourself in the assessment process, and seek clarity if you have questions.
  • Impostor syndrome might occur when you feel undeserving of help or wonder if your symptoms are severe enough to warrant the diagnosis. This is common among high-functioning individuals who appear “neurotypical” despite experiencing challenges. Remember, your experience is valid, and you are deserving of support and treatment. It is also okay to seek a second opinion.

Speak with a Therapist Who Understands ADHD

Finding a therapist with a thorough understanding of ADHD can be immensely beneficial. A therapist who specialises in ADHD can help you process all the emotions you are going through, develop coping strategies tailored to your specific needs, and support you as you implement ADHD management techniques into your daily life.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has shown to be effective for many people with ADHD. It can help you reframe negative thought patterns, enhance your organisational skills, and manage emotional responses to everyday stressors. Working with a therapist who understands the nuances of ADHD will ensure that you are receiving treatment that addresses the unique aspects of your condition.

Management Options, in Brief


Finding the Right Medication

Once you have been diagnosed, medication may be a key component of your treatment plan. Stimulants such as methylphenidate (e.g., Ritalin) and amphetamines (e.g., Adderall) are commonly prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms. These medications can help improve focus, reduce impulsivity, and enhance executive functioning. Non-stimulant medications, such as atomoxetine (Strattera), may also be an option, particularly for those who do not respond well to stimulants. Always discuss medication options with your psychiatrist to find the best fit for your needs.

Finding the right medication can take time and may involve some trial and error. Some people respond quickly to one medication, while others may need to adjust their dosage or try a different medication entirely. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time to find the right fit. Keep an open line of communication with your healthcare provider, and don’t hesitate to discuss any side effects or concerns you may have.

You may be feeling ambivalent about exploring medication, and this is okay. You don’t need to make a decision straight away and the decision is yours to make. Speak with your psychiatrist and general practitioner (GP) about any concerns you may have. 

Medication Prescription and the Role of Your GP

One thing to note when starting ADHD medication is that your GP will likely need to apply for a permit to prescribe ADHD medication, particularly stimulants. This permit request can take several weeks, as it is required for the prescribing of controlled substances. Be prepared for this additional waiting period (usually several weeks). 


ADHD management often involves developing practical strategies to cope with symptoms. This is where you figure out when you work well and when you struggle, and make adjustments to your routines and environments. Such strategies may include setting reminders, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using visual aids, using calendars, body doubling, and establishing routines. 

If you receive a diagnosis as an adult, it is likely that you already have several strategies that work for you, which you have unknowingly picked up over time. I often speak with clients who already have many systems in place. Here are some examples I’ve heard: 

  • Keeping a detailed calendar with reminders set for the day prior to an event, and an hour prior to the event
  • Putting on a movie on in the background while they do chores
  • Always studying in the library, as they know they work best when studying alongside peers
  • Youtubing other people studying to keep them focussed when studying
  • Keeping their vegetables in the fridge where they can see them so they don’t wilt in the crisper
  • Using the notes app on their phone for numerous lists

There are lots of great ideas out there. 

Self-Understanding and Self-Compassion

One of the most important aspects of managing ADHD is practising self-compassion. It’s easy to become frustrated with yourself when symptoms interfere with your goals, but it’s important to remember that ADHD is not a personal flaw. Treat yourself with the same kindness and patience that you would offer a friend facing similar struggles. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and recognise your strengths alongside your challenges.

Learn About ADHD

Understanding ADHD is crucial to gaining insight into your own behaviours, strengths, and struggles. ADHD isn’t just about inattention or hyperactivity—it’s a complex condition that can affect many aspects of your life, including your emotional regulation, working memory, executive functioning, and more. ADHD links with various experiences that may also be affecting you, including sensory sensitivities, premenstrual dysphoria, sleep difficulties such as restless leg syndrome, physical symptoms such as Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and hypermobility. Taking the time to learn about ADHD can provide clarity, help you understand yourself, and empower you to make informed decisions about your treatment options.

Reading books, articles, and academic journals, and joining support groups or therapy sessions, can deepen your understanding of ADHD and its impact on daily life. Educating yourself about ADHD will not only help you develop a more compassionate view of yourself, but it will also enable you to navigate social, academic, and work situations more effectively.

Some suggestions that I frequently recommend to my clients include:

If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and are feeling uncertain about what to do next, it’s important to seek professional support. At the Centre for Clinical Psychology, Melbourne, we offer a range of services to help adults navigate life with ADHD. Whether you’re interested in therapy, medication management, or strategies for coping with ADHD, our team is here to support you.To take the next step, book an appointment at the Centre for Clinical Psychology by calling 03 9077 0122 or by visiting our online booking system at


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