
PTSD in men

PTSD in Men

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop in individuals who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. While PTSD can affect anyone, research suggests that men may experience the disorder differently than women. In this blog, we will explore PTSD in men, how they may

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How Long does Depression Last?

Depression is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. One of the most common questions individuals with depression ask is, “how long does depression last?” Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question, as the duration of depression can vary widely from person to person.

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Winter Blues - Depression

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as the “winter blues,” is the commonly used descriptor for a subtype of depression that generally occurs during the winter months when there is less daylight.  However, it can also occur in the summer months. Seasonally related depressive symptoms include loss of energy, hypersomnia,

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Social Media and Mental Health

Why Social Media Makes You Feel Bad

Social Media and Feeling Bad Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and even strangers from all over the world. However, the constant exposure to carefully curated, often idealized versions of other people’s lives can leave us feeling inadequate and unhappy. According

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Trauma in LGBTQIA+ community

Trauma in the Australian LGBTQIA+ Community

The LGBTQIA+ community in Australia experiences a disproportionate amount of distress and trauma compared to the general population. This can be due to a range of factors including discrimination, rejection from family and society, and violence. It is important to acknowledge and understand the unique challenges that this community faces

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Trauma effects Communication

How does trauma affect communication

Trauma can have a significant impact on a person’s communication. Some of the ways trauma can affect communication include: 1. Difficulty with trust and safety around others: Trauma survivors may struggle with trusting others and feeling safe around people. This may lead them to be guarded in their communication. “On

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How to help someone with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that can result from experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Symptoms can include re-experiencing the event through nightmares or flashbacks; avoidance of triggers related to the trauma; physical arousal due to fear; and negative changes in mood and cognition.  If someone you

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Men's Mental Health

Men’s mental health in Australia

The ‘Men’ in Mental Health Mental health conditions do not discriminate. Much like our physical health, we all have mental health that requires checking in or additional support when something goes wrong. In fact, the World Health Organization (2023) recognizes that mental health and wellbeing is fundamental to the quality

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Why am I attracted to the wrong kind of partner

We may all relate to this feeling at some point in our lives – that we get attracted to people who are not good for us. Perhaps it was a personal experience, or we witnessed it through family or friends. Relationship patterns that are intoxicatingly appealing often draw people to

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Shyness or Social Anxiety Disorder

Shyness or Social Anxiety

There are many articles that talk about shyness in children. However, there are few articles about shyness amongst adults.  Yet many adults deal with this issue, and find that it can create difficulties within the workplace. You will find in this article a brief description of shyness, factors that contribute

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